If your knees are quite high in a cross-leg seat and don't lower towards the floor, if you dread the lotus pose (Padmāsana) in class, chances are that your hips are tight. Stiffness in the hips is also a commonly seen cause of lower back pain.
Increasing the range of motion at the hip joints not only helps us access the full expression of the hip-opening āsanas, it also make a whole range of other āsanas available to us. It greatly helps in mounting backbends and forward folds correctly and with more ease. Most important;y, it protects and lower back and maintains spine integrity! Spinal health is the foundation of our phycial well-being.
Learn a little more about the parts of your hips we work on when we say hips (no its not just inner thighs) - hip flexors, adductors, abductors, glutes etc. This workshop is suited to all levels of wellness enthusiasts - seasoned & newbies alike. Sign up now and watch your yoga practice change!
Hip opening - All levels | 2.5 hours
Date - 17th July '21 (Sat)
Total hours - 2.5 hours
Time - 7:30amYoga props requirements - a yoga mat, a blanket to cushion your knees, yoga blocks and belt if you have them. Most importantly, be intuitive in using what's available around you to help in your practice!