Here are printable classes in pdf form with illustrations and detailed cues. They are safe to practice and easy to follow. We add new flows to this section regularly, so make sure to subscribe!
As always, please feel free to write to us for further help with your doubts or clarification for the given flows or any thing yoga related. We're happy to help!
The sequences in all the above flows have been created using illustrations from The sequences are copyright of 10 Elephants Yoga.
All images are copyright. is a yoga sequencing platform for yoga teachers.
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Self study is a critical part of any yogi's journey. To this end, journaling is a time-tested, proven tool to understand oneself, one's mind and one's journey so far. We look back, reflect to understand without judgement so we can begin to live consciously every day to build a fulfilling life.
asana clinic
These are drills targeting a particular muscle group or joint or action or asana.
While this is a regular feature on our Instagram handle (follow us @10elephants if you don't already), it is also collated and made available here for ease.
Reach out for requests for drills for anything you're working on in your personal practice!
Click on the image to download these printables as many times as you'd like!
They're all designed mindfully - aiming to make your wellness journey more enjoyable. Remember to use all these tools to celebrate the journey, not a stick to beat yourself up with. Any requests for specific printables are welcome! Drop a message or email.